What Truckers Can Do To Stay Cool During the Summer Heat:

It’s that time of the year where temperature and humidity are at high levels, producing heat advisories, excessive heat warnings, and heat watches throughout the summer months. For truckers, it’s important to know how to stay cool during the summer heat.

Tips for Truck Drivers

Sun protection: Wearing sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, or other sun protective gear will all help to maximize protection from the sun. Just because you are in your truck, does not mean you are completely protected from the heat and UV rays. The Trucker, notes that your left arm and left side of your face usually gets the worst of it.

Checking your tire pressures and brakes: Minimize your chance of a tire blowout by regularly checking your tires, as hot roads can lead to more blowouts. Additionally, making sure to check your brakes is equally as important, as warmer temperatures can cause a loss of friction when the brake parts can’t absorb any more heat.

Knowing when to use your A/C: Interestingly enough, increasing your air conditioning all the time can burn more fuel and cause the potential to overheat your engine, The Trucker notes. It is important to find a suitable temperature to further preserve your fuel and engine. Additionally, keeping a small fan or cooling blankets can be beneficial, especially at night or during the peak heat hours of the day.

Stay hydrated: Making sure you have enough water available is equally as important as anything else when dealing with hot temperatures.

Driver influx awareness: It’s summer and that means lots of people will be on the road, and at rest and truck stops.  

Watching the weather forecasts: Regardless of if it’s a winter storm, heat advisories, hurricanes, etc., being aware of the present and looming weather is important for truckers’ safety.

This Weekend

Millions of Americans will be facing very high temperatures, and humidity this week throughout the gulf coast, Midwest and into the great lakes and east to the Carolinas, The Trucker says.

St. Louis, Memphis, Minneapolis, and Tulsa are among the many cities under excessive heat warnings, plus high humidity which could make the close to 100 degrees (Fahrenheit), feel closer to 110 degrees.

Truckers in these areas should plan accordingly and be aware of the high temperatures not just this week, but throughout summer.

Looking Ahead

We will continue to provide updates on the latest in the industry and more throughout the year and beyond. If you have any questions or comments regarding this topic, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact our team today!

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